Breaking Up Is Hard To Do ( Seriously, It Is )

     When the Lady called me over using her finger to gesture, it made me very angry.  I walked over to the table, and put on my fake smile.
"Hi there" I said grinning " Is everything okay?"  She was maybe in her forties.  Large black hair, painted nails, too much makeup.  Typical Sherman Oaks customer.  She was with her friends.  All ladies, and I use that term very loosely.  She gestured again with her finger for me to lean in closer.  I felt like grabbing that finger and breaking it.
" I just wanted to let you know your restroom is broken.  I had to flush the toilet manually."  She had a disgusted look on her face.  I knew what she meant by having to flush the toilet manually, but I thought I'd play dumb.
" Umm...the toilet is a manual toilet.  We don't have sensors here at this restaurant."  
" I know that.  What I meant to say is, I had to lift the toilet cover, stick my hand in, and pull the lever."
" I apologize for the inconvenience.  I'll take care of it right away."
" What you SHOULD do is give us our meals for free"  Now I understand her anger at the situation.  But being in the real world, things BREAK.  People are INCONVENIENCED.  That is life.  I was already going to offer to take her meal off the bill.  But when she demanded it, and in THAT tone, it turned me off to doing anything for her.  Why did she have to flush the toilet anyway?  She probably took a big dump in it.  That thought made me laugh....in my head of course.
" I'll give you your meal on the house, but I'm not going to discount the ENTIRE check "
" I don't think you understand what I had to do.  I had to lift the cover and flush the toilet myself."
" Hold on one moment "  I walked away from her and went straight to the restrooms.  I checked the toilet, and it was broken.  I had the Busboy come in and fix it.  I then went to a computer, pulled up the ticket for that table, and discounted the entire bill.  I was pissed.  I walked over to the table again, and AGAIN she gestured with that fucking finger.
" I discounted your entire bill "  
" Well, I just thought it was pretty disgust....."  I didn't let her finish.
" You know what?  If there's something wrong,  just tell me.  You don't have to gesture for me to come to your table." I mocked her, using the same finger gesture she gave me.
" Well, I didn't mean to offend you" She said in shock.
" Well ya did.  When you do that, you make me feel like I'm less than you.  I don't know how much you think I get paid here, but it's not much.  The toilet broke, and pissed you off.  So you have to make me feel like an idiot.  You spoke to me in a tone that degraded and demeaned me.  I hope getting a free meal is worth treating people like shit.  Thank you Mam', thanks for making me feel like I'm worthless."  Her friends stared at me in amazement.
" I'm so sorry " She said.  She was probably more embarrassed because the entire restaurant was staring at her.  Her friends apologized to me as well.  During the remainder of their stay, I gave them dirty looks.  When they left, each one apologized to me.
     It's rare that I blow up at a customer.  The high five's and pat's on the back from the Servers did cheer me up.  But I was still angry.  I don't think it really had to do with that customer.  It has to do with Javier's house being sold.  One month in escrow.  Then it's off to New York.  Once in New York, we'll get "Married".  I don't know which one scares me more.  The fake marriage or the moving.   I put my hand into my pocket and retrieved my ring.
" Why don't you ever wear it?" Josie said.  She's a server.  When I was here the first year, we became very close.  When I went to the Woodland Hills store, we lost touch.  But now that I'm back here, we're close again.
" I don't know.  It is pretty though."  I held it up to the light.  We both stared at it.
" You should tell him.  When he visits you, I hate knowing what's going to happen.  He's such a good guy."
" I know, I know.  But...."
" But what?"
" I don't know.  Maybe I'll tell him tonight.  Do you think I'm dead inside?"
" What?"
" Do you think I.....that I lack emotions.  Am I robot?"
" No " She said laughing.
" I don't know if I love him, or not "  When I said "Love" I mumbled it, and spoke from the side of my mouth.
" Wow " She said " You can't even say it, can you?"
" No " I sighed. " I AM dead inside."
     When I left work that night, I drove up and down the Boulevard.  Thinking.  I decided to go to Ralphs and eat "Lunch" with Javier.  He's working the night shift.  So 3 a.m. is his lunch break.  
"Hi Amy.  Is Javier on his break?"
" Yeah he is, I'll call him for you."
"Thanks"  She grabbed the microphone and spoke into it.  Through the entire store I heard Amy say " Javier, your Wife is here to see you "  She smiled at me when she said it.  I stood there with my mouth open.  Why do all the embarrassing things happen to me?
     I saw Javier come out of the back room.  He had his lunch bag with him.  He came up to me and gave me a hug.  He knew better than to do anything more.  Especially when there were customers around.  He asked if I wanted anything to eat.  I declined.  We went outside to his truck, sat in the bed while he ate.  Since the house has been sold, he's been very happy.  I guess he sees his life moving forward.  
" So " I said out of no where. " Don't you find it weird that I can't say ' I.....'  That umm...' I lo...' "
"That you 'Love me'?"  he finished for me.
" Yeah, that."
" A lil' bit "  He kept eating his sandwich. " But that's you.  I've learned to deal with it. "
" But it obviously bothers you, doesn't it?"
" Sometimes.  But not much anymore.  I know you do.  In your own unfeeling way "
" Ah HA!  People DO think I'm DEAD inside"
" What?"
" Nothin'."
"What's goin' on with you, guy.  You gonna break up with me again?"  He said this with a smirk.
" No." I smiled back.  Little did he know.  Little did he know.