Moving On

     It's almost Halloween.  Almost Christmas season.  Almost New Years Eve.  Almost Valentine's Day.  I had a birthday.  I'm thirty-two years old now.  I visited my family.  Everyone asked about Javier.  I told them we broke up.  They're like me.  They don't confront issues, so they didn't ask anymore questions.
     There is good news.  I went to the doctor three days ago.  Today they called to let me know I'm still in remission.  I'm happy about that.  Although remission doesn't mean I'm cured.  But it's a word you really want to hear when you have cancer.  
     I still think of Javier.  He never called.  I never called.  It's like he never existed.  Weird.  

     I found an old phone bill from my cell phone company.  Well I didn't actually "find" it.  I searched through boxes for it.  It was a bill with David's cell phone number on it.  I could call him now.  I should call him.  He's my friend, isn't he?  Although it's been almost a year since I've spoken to him.  Should I call him?  I think I will.

     Today I begin another chapter in my life.  I am not going to spend the Holiday's alone this year.  I'm going to actually try to meet people.  Since I can't go to bars, because I work so much.  Since I can't meet guys at work, because no one gay ever goes into my restaurant.  I will do what must be done.  I will try internet dating.  Scary!  David met his partner over the internet.  So it does work.  It's just the embarrassment factor.  Do I seem desperate?  Will I be killed on the date?  What if they don't look like, how they described themselves to me?  What if, what if, what if.... JUST DO IT!
Wish Me Luck